Friday, May 29, 2009
Paper Apologizes For Publishing 'Assassinate Obama' Ad
WARREN, Pa. — A northwestern Pennsylvania newspaper is apologizing for running a classified advertisement calling for the assassination of President Barack Obama.
Warren Times Observer Publisher John Elchert says the ad appeared Thursday. It read, "May Obama follow in the steps of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy!" The four presidents were all assassinated.
Elchert tells The Associated Press that the newspaper's advertising staff didn't make the historical connection.
He says the newspaper turned information over to police and that the Secret Service is investigating the person who placed the ad.
A note in Friday's paper says the newspaper "apologizes for the oversight."
Obama most popular world leader
PARIS: President Barack Obama remains by far the most popular world leader among people in major Western nations and is the one political figure on whom people consistently pin their hopes in the economic crisis, according to new polls conducted for the International Herald Tribune.
Also domestically and after three months on the job, President Obama continues to be widely popular.
That is according to a new poll released today by Gallup that shows Obama's approval rating at 65%.
President Obama's approval rating has stayed relatively consistent -- and high -- since he was sworn into office in January. He started out with a 66% rating and dropped temporarily to 62% in March.
That puts Obama into a select group of presidents whose approval ratings have increased from February to May of their first year in office.
Since World War II, only three first-term presidents -- Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan -- have had a higher average approval rating in May of their first year.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
my weekly report card on how president Obama is progressing
I have decided to do a weekly report card on how president Obama is progressing and what achievements he made and basically evaluate his performance and what grades will he get on political (defense) , economical, ethical (abortion) ,and other areas. In this weekly report, I am giving Obama an "A" on all of these topics and let me explain why:
This week, we learned that President Obama really is capable of political courage and idealism, as well as calculation. The question is how he will apply these gifts to the financial crisis as well as to issues closer to both his heart and to the strengths of his intellect, such as defense of the Constitution.
Each of his major speeches of the past week was a tour de force. At Notre Dame he spoke candidly and movingly about reproductive rights and tolerance. His quest for common ground won repeated applause from this largely Catholic audience, some of whom evidently are less dogmatic than their church's leaders. Said Obama:
So let us work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions, let's reduce unintended pregnancies. (Applause.) Let's make adoption more available. (Applause.) Let's provide care and support for women who do carry their children to term. (Applause.) Let's honor the conscience of those who disagree with abortion, and draft a sensible conscience clause, and make sure that all of our health care policies are grounded not only in sound science, but also in clear ethics, as well as respect for the equality of women." Those are things we can do. (Applause.)
At Annapolis, he sounded as resolutely committed to national defense as any chicken hawk, and rather more serious about what true national security entails -- and he got repeated ovations from the midshipmen, among them John McCain IV.
Speaking in the Rose Garden on Friday about credit card abuses, Obama signed a bill that takes a small step on behalf of consumers to prohibit the most extreme of bait-and-switch tactics. The President said, "Statements will be required to tell credit card holders how long it will take to pay off a balance and what it will cost in interest if they only make the minimum monthly payments. We also put a stop to retroactive rate hikes that appear on a bill suddenly with no rhyme or reason." Credit card abuses are the easiest to remedy of the financial scandals, but Obama was on the right side of the issue and in good form.
It was his major address Thursday at the National Archives, with America's most sacred documents as backdrop, that was Obama at his most thoughtful and eloquent, as well as brave. "I have studied the Constitution as a student;" he declared, "I have taught it as a teacher; I have been bound by it as a lawyer and legislator. I took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief, and as a citizen, I know that we must never -- ever -- turn our back on its enduring principles for expedience sake."
Obama stuck to his decision to close the prison at Guantanamo, just a day after the Senate, by a vote of 94-6, denied him the funds to shift detainees, out of concern that alleged terrorists would be instead locked up in maximum security prisons in the continental United States, possibly to escape or might someday be released into American communities. It's an absurd worry, yet where to house terrorists is for most legislators the ultimate NIMBY issue.
Obama himself muddied the waters in his insistence that he planned to keep detainees in "prolonged detention," just not at Guantanamo. That, in turn, created the sense that Obama's insistence about shutting down the prison was more about symbolism than constitutional substance.
His rather complex position provided fodder for critics on both the right and the left. Dick Cheney appointed himself to make a quasi-official response, in an unrepentant speech defending torture. I suppose we are fortunate that the faces of today's Republican Party are Cheney and Rush Limbaugh, guaranteeing that the Republicans will stay around 30 percent of the electorate. On the other hand, it is odd that Obama would seize on the symbolism of Guantanamo as abhorrent and inconsistent with American values while insisting that "prolonged detention" without trial for accused terrorists could be justified. In a letter sent Friday to the president, Sen. Russ Feingold warned that "such detention is a hallmark of abusive systems that we have historically criticized around the world."
The New York Times editorial page effusively praised the president's stance. Its editorial of May 22 began, "We listened to President Obama's speech on terrorism and detention policy with relief and optimism."
But in two news stories, May 23, Times reporters first pointedly questioned whether the prolonged detention concept was constitutional -- and then suggested that Obama had handed Republicans "a wedge issue."
Having taken a principled position, Obama now needs to deliver -- with a strategy for handling the remaining detainees that both addresses the security concerns and offers more than a fig leaf of constitutionality.
All week, Obama demonstrated his great skills as a teacher and orator, but it remains to be seen how he will use these outsized gifts as challenges on several fronts continue to unfold. He chose to invest some political capital on the issue of reproductive rights, but not on the issue of gay marriage; he took a real political risk in beginning the process of shutting down the infamous prison at Guantanamo but not in aligning himself with a constitutional treatment of detainees wherever they are ultimately housed. And though he criticized financial excess in general terms and had some good things to say about credit card abuses, he has not yet thrown the full weight of his office behind comprehensive financial reform.
It is tempting to explain his choices simply in terms of his own history and deep knowledge of some issues but not others. If there is any issue that Obama knows well, it is constitutional law. One can see the blend of idealism and calculation in his decision to close Guantanamo, but not to insist on full due process for detainees. Maybe this is all that public opinion and anxious legislators can take for now. We'll have to see how the public reacts as he moves forward with concrete plans to change procedures and move detainees.
On financial reform, however, it is very hard, based on past performance, to imagine Obama staking out a courageous position and trying to move public opinion on an issue where most of the Senate is siding with, say, Wall Street. In the coming months, there will be plenty of opportunities. They will include whether to enact regulation of derivatives, hedge funds and private equity companies; whether to support Elizabeth Warren's proposal for a financial product safety commission; whether to keep on bailing out insolvent banks versus taking them into receivership; and how to get serious about saving several millions of American families from foreclosure. On all of these fronts, administration policy to date has been too weak and far too kind to Wall Street.
One thing we learned this week is that whatever this president's deficits, they do not include a lack of eloquence, leadership, or nerve. It makes his attempt to straddle the issue of the detainees seem less than fully thought through, and his dithering on the financial crisis all the more bewildering.
Petraeus Endorses Obama's Plans To Close GITMO, End Torture
Things in politics are always changing , and u can never judge or pre judge , just like many in the republicans and conservatives jumped on president Obama criticizing him on his plans to close GITMO and the halt of torture in interrogations, now we hear new voices of these republicans and conservatives.
General David Petraeus said this past weekend that President Obama's decision to close down Gitmo and end harsh interrogation techniques would benefit the United States in the broader war on terror.
In an appearance on Radio Free Europe on Sunday, the man hailed by conservatives as the preeminent military figure of his generation left little room for doubt about where he stands on some of Obama's most contentious policies.
"I think, on balance, that those moves help [us]," said the chief of U.S. Central Command. "In fact, I have long been on record as having testified and also in helping write doctrine for interrogation techniques that are completely in line with the Geneva Convention. And as a division commander in Iraq in the early days, we put out guidance very early on to make sure that our soldiers, in fact, knew that we needed to stay within those guidelines.
"With respect to Guantanamo," Petraeus added, "I think that the closure in a responsible manner, obviously one that is certainly being worked out now by the Department of Justice -- I talked to the Attorney General the other day [and] they have a very intensive effort ongoing to determine, indeed, what to do with the detainees who are left, how to deal with them in a legal way, and if continued incarceration is necessary -- again, how to take that forward. But doing that in a responsible manner, I think, sends an important message to the world, as does the commitment of the United States to observe the Geneva Convention when it comes to the treatment of detainees."
The remarks appear to be the first from Petraeus since the closure of Guantanamo and Bush Administration use of enhanced interrogation techniques became hot-button partisan issues. They couldn't come at a better time for Obama. The president has found himself under intense political heat after the United States Senate soundly rejected his request for funds to shut down the prison. Dueling speeches between Obama and Cheney this past Thursday, moreover, did little to tamp down the controversy over the president's release of memos depicting the legal authorization fro the use of torture.
The president got a boost on Sunday when former Secretary of State Colin Powell came to his defense on both subjects. In conducting his RFE interview, Petraeus because the second figure who garners far more respect and popularity among Republicans than Cheney to offer his backing for Obama's national security plans.
Friday, May 22, 2009
A conservative:Waterboarding is TORTURE
Erich "Mancow" Muller, a Chicago-based conservative radio host, recently decided to silence critics of waterboarding once and for all. He would undergo the procedure himself, and then he would be able to confidently convince others that it is not, in fact, torture.
Or so he thought. Instead, Muller came out convinced.
"It is way worse than I thought it would be, and that's no joke," Mancow said. "It is such an odd feeling to have water poured down your nose with your head back... It was instantaneous... and I don't want to say this: absolutely torture."
"I wanted to prove it wasn't torture," Mancow said. "They cut off our heads, we put water on their face... I got voted to do this but I really thought 'I'm going to laugh this off.' "
watch video on right (first video in the bottom on the video bar thats the best >>>>>
Cheney is wrong about Obama
In an interview airing this Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," former Bush Administration Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge told John King that he thinks former Vice President Dick Cheney is wrong in his assertion that the Obama administration has made the country less safe.
KING: You had the intelligence. You served in a very sensitive position in those days after 9/11. Do you believe we are less safe today, because of steps taken by President Obama?
RIDGE: I do not.
KING: You disagree with Dick Cheney then?
RIDGE: Yeah, I disagree with Dick Cheney. But I also disagree with the approach both men are taking. [...]
At the end of the day as Americans, e pluribus Unum. We're in this together. And at the end of the day, it is a challenge that we're going to need to confront together.
watch video on the right , middle video bar >>>>
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Whoopi whoops Glenn Beck,lol
I thought this was funny as Whoopi Goldberg and Barbra Walters whooped Glenn Becks butt,lol, poor guy. read below and watch video on right.I guess when he is not talking about Obama he can not talk and he can not even defend himself.
Glenn Beck went on "The View" today. It did NOT go well.
Nevertheless, it was DELIGHTFUL, by God. In the clip below, watch as Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg pin Beck down for lying on the radio about an encounter they all had on the train to the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Beck is forced, at first, to walk back his "mischaracterization" of the encounter. But then, things go ZOMGY as Goldberg calls him a "LYING SACK OF DOG MESS," which is hilarious. Then Walters freaks out on him for claiming to be a reporter and yet not bothering to check his facts. And really, it just gets even more bonkers from there. Honestly, if you were to take a drink every time Beck comes off as totally disingenuous, you will require a new liver by the end of the segment. DO NOT DO THIS, OBVIOUSLY.
In the second segment, the discussion gets itself partially back on the rails, but only in that the show's hosts are no longer venting their aggravation with Beck telling falsehoods about their train encounter. Beck talks about how he hates everyone in Congress and how everyone should resign. But then Beck gets stumped by a question from Barbara: "What are your real convictions?"
His answer: "I believe in God. I believe in the founding of this country. I believe George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson were geniuses."
So there you have it. Glenn Beck really, really believes in God, the names of some Presidents, and that the United States was founded, somehow, at some point in the past.
watch video bar, on the right video bar, or on
Obama new fuel-economy standards for US automobile
No surprise at all, the republicans will not spare any idea or proposal that president Obama makes from criticism , even the new fuel economy standard and emission limits to improve car mileage they had to cry and whine about. even its well received , California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger praised the Obama plan, even auto makers and Ford chairman Bill Ford supported the move. yes the cost of cars my go up $1,300 but the savings in fuel will recover that cost and even provide savings over the 5 yr period of owning an automobile and most importantly it means relying less on middle east oil, which as we all know some of that money goes to the saudis and we all know what saudis do with that money, from supporting fanatic and radical groups and islamists. Oh I forgot the republicans lead by bush and Cheney have interest in keeping the oil supplies from saudi arabia flowing and the $ to support terror going to the saudis.
read below article,I thought it was interesting.
Osama bin Laden is from Saudi Arabia. Osama's family has lots of money--money they earned mainly by helping Saudi Arabia sell oil to Americans like you and me. At some point, his family gave lots of that money to Osama. Osama then became a terrorist. He used a good deal of his family's Saudi oil money to recruit, train, and enable other terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They killed lots of Americans with the money Osama's family gave him.
Of course, this is simplified, but there's no denying the root of threat. In 2007, Thomas Friedman, writing for the New York Times, explained:
Sometime after 9/11 -- an unprovoked mass murder perpetrated by 19 men, 15 of whom were Saudis -- green went geostrategic, as Americans started to realize we were financing both sides in the war on terrorism. We were financing the U.S. military with our tax dollars; and we were financing a transformation of Islam, in favor of its most intolerant strand, with our gasoline purchases.
It's no secret that our dependence on foreign oil is a huge threat to national security in that it both enables extremism and fuels global terrorism. On top of the fact that an unhealthy, smog-filled environment is bad in general, the vulnerability our thirst for oil creates at home is one of the chief reasons for the new fuel efficiency standards unveiled yesterday at the White House by President Obama. Said the President:
And that's why, in the next five years, we're seeking to raise fuel-economy standards to an industry average of 35.5 miles per gallon in 2016, an increase of more than eight miles per gallon per vehicle. That's an unprecedented change, exceeding the demands of Congress and meeting the most stringent requirements sought by many of the environmental advocates represented here today.
As a result, we will save 1.8 billion barrels of oil over the lifetime of the vehicles sold in the next five years. Just to give you a sense of magnitude, that's more oil than we imported last year from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Libya, and Nigeria combined.
Sounds good, right? Not to some. For reasons that elude me, self-designated troop supporters like Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck can't get it through their skulls that our reliance on foreign oil funds terrorism. Malkin complained:
Nobody in the White House is going to call the president's "mileage and pollution" plan what it is. It's a $1,300 car tax. On the working class. On the middle class.
Ignoring for a moment the fact that over the course of a standard five-year car loan period, a person would save $2,800 in fuel costs, I'm continually blown away by the inability of these warmongering chickenhawks to sacrifice any little thing in the service of their country while the nation is at war--even when it's not really much of a sacrifice at all. But they can't do it. Our troops are fighting tooth and nail, every day in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all these whiners can do--with their overdeveloped senses of entitlement--is cry about not having access to cheap fuel for their gas guzzlers.
They'd rather keep sending America's troops on year-long tours to fight groups of Saudi-funded extremists instead of making any effort to cut the habit at home. And they're like this because it doesn't cost them anything. They've never been on the receiving end of where their gas money goes--like some of us have been--so they're not concerned with the consequences. This is a national security issue, and anyone who opposes an effort to cut back on the consumption of foreign oil is hindering American's fighting men and women.
For all his bawling on TV about how much he loves his country, you'd think a guy like Glenn Beck would be eager to do whatever is necessary to combat terrorism. Same for Malkin. But I guess they'd rather tell us we can have the money up front--money they'd eventually double--if we pry it from their cold dead hands. These are some real patriots, these two. And the troops surely appreciate it. Go slap another sticker on your Hummer H2, you parasites. Nah. I take that back. Make it a magnet. So you can remove it when you go out on Saturday night.
The troops will appreciate that, too.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Obama makes historic gains on national security polling
President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party as a whole have made historic gains in public trust when it comes to national security and foreign policy, according to a newly released survey by Democracy Corps.
The findings, which show Obama's approval rating on national security affairs at 64 percent among likely voters, should deal a blow to the assertions of his critics -- notably former Vice President Dick Cheney -- who contend that the president's policies have made the country less safe.
According to the Democracy Corps, which was founded by former Clinton administration officials James Carville and Stan Greenberg, Obama now has higher ratings on national security than he does in his overall job approval, which stands at 58 percent. Democrats, for the first time in the firm's research, are at "full parity on perceptions of which party would best manage national security."
Among many interesting data points include these:
* 61 percent of respondents approve of the job Obama is doing fighting terrorism.
* 67 percent approve of how he is handling Iraq.
* 68 percent approve of his policies for Afghanistan, and the same number says the president is improving Americans stand in the word.
"The public flatly rejects the claims from former Vice President Cheney and other Republicans that Obama's policies put Americans at risk," the authors conclude. "A strong majority says Obama's policies are increasing US security -- compared to the majority who now say President George W. Bush's policies undermined America's security."
Endangered Species
As I was browsing the books and magazines in one of the book shops in Washington DC Dulles airport, one magazine covers got my attention, this Time magazine cover , with what was written on in “Endangered Species” in reference to the republicans.
Since president Obama was elected and took office, the conservatives , republicans and the extreme right wing did not waste time as they immediately put him under the microscope and just about criticized every decision and every thing he had done, and they made a big deal out of every small thing, starting with the talks to iran, the closing of Gitmo, the torture / water boarding, the hand shake with Chavez, the release of torture photographs , the bankruptcy of Chrysler. They did not waste or spare any minute in drilling every one of these topics to the fullest. They tried to demonize obama as being the worst thing that ever happened to the USA, they cried about everything and complained and accused him of making the country weaker.
I can understand this campaign that the conservatives are running to bash Obama, after all it’s a fight for survival , as this Time magazine cover described the current condition of the republicans and conservatives, by saying “endangered species”
What republicans have failed to see is that president Obama had inherited and took over the country which was in economical and financial crisis and big financial melt down of banking institutions, a decline in housing market, a slump in manufacturing, just all around mess, in addition to 2 costly wars . yet they expected miracles from the man in less than 3 months in office.
Also what republicans had failed to see , that president Obama had extended the sanctions on Iran and Syria, so no he did not make the country weaker, also president Obama had worked hard to restore the economy and help move things in the right direction in his involvement in helping the banking and financial sector and the automotive and many other sectors that are facing collapse. President Obama had also decided against releasing of torture photographs in order not to jeopardize the safety on American soldiers abroad especially in the muslim world from retaliation from these extremists and fanatic groups.
Even on the domestic front president Obama in his recent visit to De Paul University a Catholic university that was anti democrats and anti Obama due democrats position on abortion but he was still well received with cheers of all students who rallied behind him, even the university president had few nice words of praise for this president that reaches out even to people who differ with him and he is a good example of a moderate democrat when conservatives insist on tarnishing his image and bashing him and labeling him as liberal, socialist, muslim, extreme left ,…etc. and accuse him of weakening the country.
Now after I saw this magazine cover, I can understand why the conservatives are behaving in such a way, I am sure many will jump on the Time and say its biased as they label all other media outlets from CNN, to ABC,to CBS, to MSNBC,to The Washington post, to the New York Times, to Reuters, to the Huffington post to to to. I guess all are biased except for FOX.
final note, to all the conservatives and republicans,do not panic, you need to relax, u also need to calm down, u also need to stop bashing the president. the guy just took office and he deserves a chance, dont expect miracles and he dose not have a magic wand.
The worlds most influential people
Yes with great pride and honor, President Barak OBama made the list of the worlds most influential people , top 100 on Time magazine. that was no surprise to me, as president Obama is well worthy of this honor,for his eloquence and charisma and leadership, this Harvard graduate earned the presidency fair and square as he was democratically elected by the majority of the USA.
I realize that many conservatives and republican still can not accept the result of the elections and they are still in denial and doing their best to attack the president , but the fact remain that this president still has the support of the majority of the US citizens and most of the world. this president has proven to be a leader even in his short period in the white house. he has proven that he can be a leader of the greatest country in the world. Although the image on the USA was badly tarnished by his predecessor , but he is managing to restore that image quickly. One more person who earned a spot in this most influential people in the world is the First lady Michael Obama.
If you take a close up look at this magazine cover, to the top left,(3rd row, first photo) you see a lady in a bourqua that made the list as well, if you ask who that is, I can tell u its a Saudi lady Nora bint Abdullah al-Fayez, was made deputy education minister in charge of a new department for female students ,she was appointed by the King , a symbolic post more than anything.Al Fayez wa nominated by Liz Cheney ,daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney.I am just wondering if that love from Cheney's to the Saudis stems from daddy's dealings with the saudis that netted him $180 million that went from Saudi Arabia to Halliburton in 2000 when Dick Cheney was its chairman and CEO.
We all know how saudi arabia deals with women and women rights, no one is going to be impressed nor fooled by this stunt, we know where saudi arabia stands on women rights, and the abuse of women in saudi arabia, woemn still cant drive and cant work and cant travel. we know a lot of terror and terror groups are supported by saudi arabia, we also know that 15 of the 19 hijackers on sept 11 were saudis, we also know that Osama Bin Laden is a saudi. We also know saudi arabia supported Taliban. we know a lot of the extremism and the islamists are supported by saudi petro dollars, we also know the close friendship between Bush, Cheney and the Saudis.
does anyone wonder why Dick Cheneys approval ratings were 17% when he left office? can anyone guess why he did not make the list of worlds most influential people?
Is Obama the best thing that ever happened to muslims and islam?
Some may ask this question and some in fact believe that he is , some accuse him of being a sympathizer and some went as far as calling him muslim, but the most important thing is to find the answer to the question, Is Obama the best thing that ever happened to muslims and islam?
Since Obama took office , he started talking about having direct talks to iran, which angered many and they thought that Obama is making the USA weaker, but Obama's talk is different than his action, the next day of that friendly gesture to Iran, he extended the sanctions on iran, so the action was totally opposite to what he said, few months down the road he made similar friendly gesture to Syria and said that he want to improve relations with syria and couple days after he extended the sanctions on Syria, so once again, he showed the world that he is not doing muslims nor isalm any favors. Then we all saw what happened after his meeting with Zaldari of pakistan last week, now Pakistan is launching fierce fights and battles to crush Taliban and the Islamists in Sewat Valley, next he spoke of a visit to Egypt which angered the muslim brothers there as they feared this visit will divide and split the muslim world more than it is already and will increase the rift and make it deeper and it will weaken the muslim world and diminish the islamic dream of one Ummah.
also president Obama made a 180 degree change in a decision to release torture photographs of Iraqi prisoners in order not to jeopardize the safety of american soldiers around the world ,as this could cause some extreme islamists to take revenge.
so for those delusional on Obama being the savior of islam and muslims and for those who think he is the best thing that happened to islam and muslims, sorry to tell u, it was only a dream, Obama is smarter than to get involved with a radical and evil cult of terrorists. When it comes to the muslim world, his words are totally different than his actions,its called the politics game, the carrot and stick I talked about before many times, so if i was you, I would not hold my breath and call him the savior, he maybe the savior but NOT for Islam.
and no obama is not a God, nor Jesus ,nor saint and nor a prophet, but some expect miracles out of him in his short time as the leader of the greatest country in the world,so i tell u, he is not god and he is no magician and he can not use the magical wand to fix all the problems, but he is for sure a good president and will do his best for this country.
I bet few are going to say something about the photo, but hey i welcome all comments and remarks, even the negative ones. its all about democracy and freedom of speech.
A Salute to president Barak Hussien Obama
There no secret and no shame, but i am proud to say that i do support, respect , admire and appreciate this educated and smart man our president Barack Hussien Obama, what makes this man more special is that he made a good decision and decided to follow the right faith as he became Christian and decided to abandon the cult of islam, he made it clear that he is christian and worships Jesus, I did not mean to burst the bubble of muslims ,and stop their celebration and rejoicing , I also hate to disappoint those who spread rumors of him being a muslim for hidden agendas and political reasons and gain.
I will share few statements or facts by president Obama that will help everyone understand what choices this Harvard graduate made for his faith.
* I am a proud Christian who believes deeply in Jesus Christ. (Jan 2008)
* Madrassa myth perpetuated by false email & fabricated story. (Oct 2007)
* Active in the Trinity faith community. (Aug 2007)
* Carries Bible on campaign trail, & refers to it weekly. (Aug 2007)
* Embrace Christ as an ally. (Mar 2007)
* Baptized as an adult in the Trinity United Church of Christ. (Oct 2006)
I am sure above statements and facts will clear any confusion about his faith and religion and I tell muslims the party is over, this man made the right choices which he deserves all the respect for. So dont count on him being your savior, he will still crack down and crush your fanatics,extremists, radicals, terrorists, and islamists.
Obama is a follower of Jesus, and he made it clear, call him apostate, or ex muslim, bottom line he is no muslim and a he is a Christian. and if he extended his arm to make peace with the enemies that is no weakness on his part, he is simply following the example of Jesus ,Jesus forgave his enemies and he turned the other cheek, but u can be assured that Obama will chop any hand of any muslim radical, fanatic, extremist or terrorist that dares even to think of inflicting harm to the USA, his country and his people. I have all the confidence and i believe in this man that he will not be easy on anyone who has bad intentions for this country.
One more thing to prove Obama is christian, in his recent visit and address to Notre Dame University , president Obama in his speech / address to student he referenced and quoted passages from the bible at least 8 times.
I tell those who doubt him and those who bash him and trash him for hidden and political agendas,the day will come when you are proven wrong and you will regret your unjustified attack on this man.
Closing comments, to all my friends, please have hope in this man, stand by him, he is doing what right for American and the American people. and final word for Muslims, its time to wake up and smell the coffee this man is an ex muslim / apostate and he is a proud Christian that follows Jesus Christ, he is also a proud American, and he will do his best to defend and protect the USA and rest assured that he will be after all the radicals,fanatics, extremists , Islamists and terrorist.
A Salute to Mr. president Barack Hussien Obama
God Bless The USA.
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