There no secret and no shame, but i am proud to say that i do support, respect , admire and appreciate this educated and smart man our president Barack Hussien Obama, what makes this man more special is that he made a good decision and decided to follow the right faith as he became Christian and decided to abandon the cult of islam, he made it clear that he is christian and worships Jesus, I did not mean to burst the bubble of muslims ,and stop their celebration and rejoicing , I also hate to disappoint those who spread rumors of him being a muslim for hidden agendas and political reasons and gain.
I will share few statements or facts by president Obama that will help everyone understand what choices this Harvard graduate made for his faith.
* I am a proud Christian who believes deeply in Jesus Christ. (Jan 2008)
* Madrassa myth perpetuated by false email & fabricated story. (Oct 2007)
* Active in the Trinity faith community. (Aug 2007)
* Carries Bible on campaign trail, & refers to it weekly. (Aug 2007)
* Embrace Christ as an ally. (Mar 2007)
* Baptized as an adult in the Trinity United Church of Christ. (Oct 2006)
I am sure above statements and facts will clear any confusion about his faith and religion and I tell muslims the party is over, this man made the right choices which he deserves all the respect for. So dont count on him being your savior, he will still crack down and crush your fanatics,extremists, radicals, terrorists, and islamists.
Obama is a follower of Jesus, and he made it clear, call him apostate, or ex muslim, bottom line he is no muslim and a he is a Christian. and if he extended his arm to make peace with the enemies that is no weakness on his part, he is simply following the example of Jesus ,Jesus forgave his enemies and he turned the other cheek, but u can be assured that Obama will chop any hand of any muslim radical, fanatic, extremist or terrorist that dares even to think of inflicting harm to the USA, his country and his people. I have all the confidence and i believe in this man that he will not be easy on anyone who has bad intentions for this country.
One more thing to prove Obama is christian, in his recent visit and address to Notre Dame University , president Obama in his speech / address to student he referenced and quoted passages from the bible at least 8 times.
I tell those who doubt him and those who bash him and trash him for hidden and political agendas,the day will come when you are proven wrong and you will regret your unjustified attack on this man.
Closing comments, to all my friends, please have hope in this man, stand by him, he is doing what right for American and the American people. and final word for Muslims, its time to wake up and smell the coffee this man is an ex muslim / apostate and he is a proud Christian that follows Jesus Christ, he is also a proud American, and he will do his best to defend and protect the USA and rest assured that he will be after all the radicals,fanatics, extremists , Islamists and terrorist.
A Salute to Mr. president Barack Hussien Obama
God Bless The USA.
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