As I was browsing the books and magazines in one of the book shops in Washington DC Dulles airport, one magazine covers got my attention, this Time magazine cover , with what was written on in “Endangered Species” in reference to the republicans.
Since president Obama was elected and took office, the conservatives , republicans and the extreme right wing did not waste time as they immediately put him under the microscope and just about criticized every decision and every thing he had done, and they made a big deal out of every small thing, starting with the talks to iran, the closing of Gitmo, the torture / water boarding, the hand shake with Chavez, the release of torture photographs , the bankruptcy of Chrysler. They did not waste or spare any minute in drilling every one of these topics to the fullest. They tried to demonize obama as being the worst thing that ever happened to the USA, they cried about everything and complained and accused him of making the country weaker.
I can understand this campaign that the conservatives are running to bash Obama, after all it’s a fight for survival , as this Time magazine cover described the current condition of the republicans and conservatives, by saying “endangered species”
What republicans have failed to see is that president Obama had inherited and took over the country which was in economical and financial crisis and big financial melt down of banking institutions, a decline in housing market, a slump in manufacturing, just all around mess, in addition to 2 costly wars . yet they expected miracles from the man in less than 3 months in office.
Also what republicans had failed to see , that president Obama had extended the sanctions on Iran and Syria, so no he did not make the country weaker, also president Obama had worked hard to restore the economy and help move things in the right direction in his involvement in helping the banking and financial sector and the automotive and many other sectors that are facing collapse. President Obama had also decided against releasing of torture photographs in order not to jeopardize the safety on American soldiers abroad especially in the muslim world from retaliation from these extremists and fanatic groups.
Even on the domestic front president Obama in his recent visit to De Paul University a Catholic university that was anti democrats and anti Obama due democrats position on abortion but he was still well received with cheers of all students who rallied behind him, even the university president had few nice words of praise for this president that reaches out even to people who differ with him and he is a good example of a moderate democrat when conservatives insist on tarnishing his image and bashing him and labeling him as liberal, socialist, muslim, extreme left ,…etc. and accuse him of weakening the country.
Now after I saw this magazine cover, I can understand why the conservatives are behaving in such a way, I am sure many will jump on the Time and say its biased as they label all other media outlets from CNN, to ABC,to CBS, to MSNBC,to The Washington post, to the New York Times, to Reuters, to the Huffington post to to to. I guess all are biased except for FOX.
final note, to all the conservatives and republicans,do not panic, you need to relax, u also need to calm down, u also need to stop bashing the president. the guy just took office and he deserves a chance, dont expect miracles and he dose not have a magic wand.
I gave Obama a chance. You know the first thing Obama did when he got in to office is spend money on abortion for Africa. First, I[not as a republican]think abortion id wrong. Second, this country is already in a economic crisis... arent we supposed to SAVE money? By the way, I dont believe closeing GITMO is the right thing to do.