I thought this was funny as Whoopi Goldberg and Barbra Walters whooped Glenn Becks butt,lol, poor guy. read below and watch video on right.I guess when he is not talking about Obama he can not talk and he can not even defend himself.
Glenn Beck went on "The View" today. It did NOT go well.
Nevertheless, it was DELIGHTFUL, by God. In the clip below, watch as Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg pin Beck down for lying on the radio about an encounter they all had on the train to the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Beck is forced, at first, to walk back his "mischaracterization" of the encounter. But then, things go ZOMGY as Goldberg calls him a "LYING SACK OF DOG MESS," which is hilarious. Then Walters freaks out on him for claiming to be a reporter and yet not bothering to check his facts. And really, it just gets even more bonkers from there. Honestly, if you were to take a drink every time Beck comes off as totally disingenuous, you will require a new liver by the end of the segment. DO NOT DO THIS, OBVIOUSLY.
In the second segment, the discussion gets itself partially back on the rails, but only in that the show's hosts are no longer venting their aggravation with Beck telling falsehoods about their train encounter. Beck talks about how he hates everyone in Congress and how everyone should resign. But then Beck gets stumped by a question from Barbara: "What are your real convictions?"
His answer: "I believe in God. I believe in the founding of this country. I believe George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson were geniuses."
So there you have it. Glenn Beck really, really believes in God, the names of some Presidents, and that the United States was founded, somehow, at some point in the past.
watch video bar, on the right video bar, or on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2FK2vchoEo&feature=channel_page
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